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Exploring Internet of Things

Exploring Internet of Things

Introduction to the Internet of Things (IoT) The Internet of Things (IoT) represents a revolutionary paradigm that connects physical devices, objects, and systems through the internet. This technology is transforming the way we interact with the world, bringing incredible possibilities to enhance efficiency, comfort, and sustainability. Through the integration of sensors, actuators, and wireless networks, […]

Workora a dynamic freelance and project managment platform

Workora a dynamic freelance and project managment platform

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital entrepreneurship, Immense has been steadily working on a groundbreaking product, Workora. This innovative platform is designed to bridge the gap between businesses and freelancers, creating a seamless ecosystem where collaboration thrives. The development journey of Workora has been nothing short of remarkable. Over the course of the last five […]

Izrada web shopa i spajanje na ERP : Savršena sinteza tehnologije i korisničkog iskustva

Izrada web shopa i spajanje na ERP : Savršena sinteza tehnologije i korisničkog iskustva

U današnjem digitalnom dobu, trgovina na internetu postaje sve važnija za poslovni uspjeh. Kupci sve više okreću svoju pažnju prema online shoppingu, tražeći praktičnost i raznolikost u ponudi proizvoda. Ako ste vlasnik tvrtke ili razmišljate o pokretanju vlastitog web shopa, ne možete si priuštiti kompromis kad je u pitanju funkcionalnost, izgled i korisničko iskustvo vaše […]

How mobile app can help you to spread business

How mobile app can help you to spread business

Mobile apps have revolutionized the way businesses interact with their customers. With over 5 billion people using mobile devices, mobile apps offer a unique opportunity for businesses to reach and engage with their target audience like never before. One of the biggest advantages of mobile apps is that they can help you spread the word […]

Agile software development

Agile software development

Agile software development is a methodology for developing software that emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and continuous improvement. It provides a framework for delivering high-quality software in a fast-paced, constantly changing environment. The Agile process is designed to respond to changing requirements and provides a flexible approach to software development. The Agile methodology was first introduced in […]

Use Gsap with NextJs

Use Gsap with NextJs

GSAP is a very strong library for animation, been using it for some time now. But when it came to using it with nextJs, I ran into some problems due to the babel configurations of nextJs. And I solved them following a couple of simple steps. So writing these down in case anyone needs to […]

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